Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

this mood makes me thinks

today, I was in the worst mood that I've ever been hem ya again everything I touch and everything I do just making my mood red-er I don't know why, I just keep missing something that I don't know why, I don't know why it always bothers me since that time I went out with it. I can get it out of my mind somehow, just fot your information this thing I'm trying to say has nothing to do with people ya. I mean, yeah I confess then okay it is dealing with people.

I slept all day and all time, just trying to kill my boredom but the impact was turn-arrouned somehow I feel like the boredom just torturing me and won't let me die. fuck.

in the mean time, this feeling, this mood, this boredom, makes me think. thinking of a time machine. at the first sight, having a time machine should be a gift, a miracle, a something that could makes us all happy.

turning the worlds upside down would be great, I mean with turning it upside down is that when you could change your past by knowing the future will be great, am I right? (sorry if I mess with the writting, gramar, or phrases) having a nice score by knowing the answer by going to the future and come back again. and knowing your future, fixing your mistakes at the old time, it would be great right?

when you broke up with your ex and you regret it, you just need one push at the button and you'll got back to that time and place and voila you have no regrets again, right? it would be great. but if I think again................

kalo gitu berarti lo gabakal punya salah sama orang, ya kalo salah juga tinggal balik lagi terus udah deh lo benerin terus balik lagi seneng2 lagi gitu? terus kalo lo berantem gitu lo tinggal balik lagi bener2in udah gitu selesai? lo ga dapet pesan moral apapun dong berarti idih ga asik amat nih

your life is just gonna get more and more borring dude. bayangin deh idup lo datar2 aja gitu ga ada masalah cuma ada seneng2 doang hem ada yang macem sama lo tinggal lo pencet tombol terus ya gimanalah se suka lo, em terus apa pentingnya lo idup? ya walaupun ga ada yang mau idup bosen, ga ada kan? tapi bayangin lagi deh tanpa bosen idup lo kan bakal jadi datar2 aja kan hem ya kalo ga ada bosen juga ga mungkin waktu itu gw bisa ada di situ kan (eh curucol) tapi ya halo kawan lo pengen idup lo straight2 aja? ga ada masalah yang bikin lo mikir gitu?

hidup tanpa sebuah masalah berarti tanpa solusi kan berarti tanpa pelajaran juga kan? terus guna lo idup apadeh? bangun makan ol tidur pacaran doang? hem apa pentingnya (pacaran penting) ya gini deh yang penting sekarang ya kita ga butuh mesin waktu untuk memperbaiki kesalahan. apa salahnya minta maaf? susah? berat? emang susah buat mentingin minta maaf em tapi ya yaudahlah salah ga salah lo ga mungkin bisa idup tanpa temen2 lo kan ya ga hem aduh gw kangen nih sama temen2 gw ya asu aduh PACAR GWWWWWWWWWW AKU KANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!. hem maaf ya kawan2 kalo gw post sesuatu yang ga penting gini ga mood gw post sok2 serius gini


Reza Andhika

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